Monday, December 30, 2019

Understanding the Frankenstein Monster - 3331 Words

The Frankenstein monster created by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley is one of the most wondrous characters in literature. Furthermore, the psychology behind Victor Frankenstein and the monster that he had created has been an issue that has been debated by psychologists for several years. Moreover, it has been claimed that the Frankenstein monster gives the reader a glimpse into the consciousness of Victor himself. This being said, many individuals have tried to understand the reasons for the monsters actions and his change in disposition. Despite its vicious behavior and committing the act of murder, Doctor Victor Frankenstein’s creature is not characteristically evil or malicious but a creation of rejection and negligence and Shelley give†¦show more content†¦Psychology finds that rejection by one’s own mother has a dramatic effect on the internal thoughts of the child. In this case, the monster takes on the role of the child and is the recipient of â€Å"ma ternal† rejection. As soon as the monster comes to life, Victor is filled with intense revulsion. He explains, â€Å"The beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart† (Shelley, 42). From that quote, it is learned that Victor’s rejection of the Frankenstein monster was immediate. Moreover, Victor’s actions are similar to that of infant rejection. For example, Victor’s immediate reaction was to lock the monster in his apartment and to leave him all alone. As a result, the monster never felt the maternal loving embrace of Victor. Because of Victor’s act of selfishness, the monster was immediately cast into loneliness and a sense of being rejected by his creator. This was the beginning of the psychology that led to violence. According to their article â€Å"The Effects of Temperament and Perceived Maternal Rejection on Childhood Anxiety and Behavior Problems† in the book School Psychology International, Fabrina Yazdkjasti and Susumu Harizuka say that when a child senses that their mother has rejected them, it was found to be a key source of anxiety leading to behavioral problems in school among a group of 8-11 year olds (Yazdkjasti Harizuka, 125). One must also remember that Victor was leftShow MoreRelatedSeparation Between the Narration in Response to Frankenstein Essay889 Words   |  4 PagesIn reading Frankenstein, by Mary Shelly, a motif of distance and separateness can be discerned from the text. In the structure of the narrative, the reader is distant from the action. The setting of the narrative is situated often in isolated and nearly inaccessible areas, creating separateness between the action of the story and the everyday world. The Frankenstein monster is remote compared to the rest of world by narrative structure, geographic area, and his namelessness. The reader must lookRead MoreTheme Of Injustice In Frankenstein961 Words   |  4 PagesMary Shelley’s literary masterpiece Frankenstein relates the story of Victor Frankenstein and his unnatural creation, told in three distinct narratives, that eventually leads to Frankenstein’s disastrous end. One narrative in particular, that of Frankenstein’s creation’s, highlights the creature’s conversion into a true monster rather than an almost human being as a result of a terrible injustice upon him. The access to his narrative allows for a deeper understanding of the creature’s very nature andRead MoreThemes Of Alienation In Frankenstein1294 Words   |  6 PagesThrough Frankenstein by Mary Shelley as well as Skim by Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki, themes of alienation are projected throughout both texts. 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Frankenstein being hisRead MoreFrankenstein by Mary Shelley1223 Words   |  5 Pagesmultiple narrators telling a story? In Mary Shelley’s gothic novel, Frankenstein, three main narrators tell the story about the creation of a monster and the events that follow. The job of narrator shifts between Robert Walton, Victor Frankenstein, and the monster that Victor creates. As each narrator shares his own recollection of the events that occurred, new facts are introduced to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Although Frankenstein uses multiple narrators to tell the story, it is important toRead MoreThe Monster within Us: Freud and Frankenstein Essay1679 Words   |  7 PagesThe relationship between Frankenstein and his monster can be used as a metaphorical map to understanding Sigmund Freuds conception of the super-ego, or in other words, the human sense of guilt and conscience. Frankensteins sense of guilt develops around the violent, aggressive way he creates his monster. The monster causes the ripples of guilt to grow by causing him to fear losing his love ones, losing his source of protection, and punishment for his sins. After it is fully developed, FrankensteinsRead MoreVictor Frankenstein Destruction Through Discovery1746 Words   |  7 PagesNiral Patel Ms. Schaner 2nd AP Language 11 28 Oct. 2017 Destruction through Discovery Summarizing the theme of the novel, Victor Frankenstein stated, â€Å"If the study to which you apply yourself has a tendency to weaken your affections, and to destroy your taste for those simple pleasures in which no alloy can possibly mix, then that study is certainly unlawful, that is to say, not befitting the human mind† (34). When initially considered, the concept of â€Å"gaining knowledge† or â€Å"discovery† is generallyRead MoreExamples Of Ambition In Frankenstein1316 Words   |  6 PagesFrankenstein Essay With the same hands Frankenstein built the monster, he holds his dying wife. Throughout Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein and his creation fight against each other as ambition, abandonment and the lack of responsibility result in the downfall of both. As the creator, Frankenstein represents a parental figure to his creation. A conflict arises through the years leading up to Frankenstein’s creation and continues for years while taking the lives of multiple peopleRead MoreInjustice In Frankenstein Essay1438 Words   |  6 PagesMary Shelley’s literary masterpiece, Frankenstein, relates the story of Victor Frankenstein and his unnatural creation, told in three distinct narratives that eventually lead to Frankenstein’s disastrous end. One narrative in particular, that of Frankenstein’s creation, highlights the creature’s conversion into a true monster rather than an almost human being as a result of a terrible injustice upon him. The access to his narrative allows for a deeper understanding of the creature’s very nature andRead MoreScience Fiction Novel, Frankstein by Mary Shelley857 Words   |  3 PagesFrankenstein, one of the earliest science fiction novel written by Mary Shelley infusing both gothic and romantic elements in the setting of Geneva where majority of the story takes place. A story about a scientist who had wonders for scientific knowledge which led him to curiosity to find new things. After Frankenstein’s mother died, he had the impetus to discover the creation of life and how life falls apart and decays. One stormy night, after much research and labor, Frankenstein completed a

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Watching The Phantom of the Opera Essay - 920 Words

For me, I was lucky that my college offered tickets to see The Phantom of the Opera right around Mothers’ Day. I celebrated the holiday early by taking my mother to see her first professional performance. I bought tickets to see the musical on Monday, May 2, 2011 at 8:00 PM at the Majestic Theatre in New York City. We spent the day shopping in New York with my some of my college mates. When we got to the theatre, I was slightly disappointed at the size and stuffiness of the theatre, as my imagination always cited spacious grand opera houses as the house for all Broadway shows. What The Majestic Theatre lacks in size, it certainly makes up for in atmosphere. It was very beautiful and ornate and it was like stepping back in time. I was†¦show more content†¦The show itself was truly breathtaking. The music rumbled and roared you to attention. The acting was excellent- comedic at times, yet tragically serious at others. Songs in The Phantom of the Opera include,  "Overture†, the fabulously haunting organ music that recurs throughout the musical. â€Å"Think of Me† and â€Å"The Phantom of the Opera† which highlights Christines vocal range. A standout song, â€Å"The Music of the Night,† emphasizes the strength of the Phantoms voice. The song follows a literary structure: almost expository part, followed by rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement. The introduction is soft and slow. The Phantom and the lone piano in the background â€Å" heightens† your sensations as you listen. The song intended to â€Å"wake† and â€Å"stir† Christine by the power of the the Phantom’s music, and it is quite effective on her as well as the audience. I felt tingles hearing the song, because it had a sort of sensual pace. The orchestra accompanied the Phantom as he continued his chilling serenade, vocalizing deeper as more instruments joined the song. The voice and the song grew faster as i f the progression were in a race to reach the apex. The seduction continued in the next verse, in which more sensory words were elaborated. (I remember the Phantom singing the words, â€Å"feel†, â€Å"hear†, and â€Å"caress† very seductively). The Phantom drew out the words and quickly said the less-sensory words so that his tone was soothing yet forceful and enticing..Show MoreRelatedEssay The Phantom of the Opera1576 Words   |  7 PagesThe Phantom of the Opera directed by Joel Schumacher is the 2004 adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s 1986 musical of the same name. The Phantom of the Opera stars Gerard Butler as the Phantom, Emmy Rossum as Christine Daaà ©, and Patrick Wilson as Raoul, the Vicomte de Chagny, who are embroiled in a love triangle. The film was met with generally mixed and negative reviews: Schumacher’s use of mise-en-scà ¨ne, cinematography and editing, as well as symbolism contributes to the production of The PhantomRead MoreThe Phantom Of The Opera1387 Words   |  6 PagesPhantom of the Opera has been around for longer than I can recall, being the musical to talk about among my family as something grand. When I was the age of only fourteen I received the honor of performing the musical for the first time, although I had to learn a great deal about the script for that performance, the history behind The Phantom of the Opera is not clear to me. So I started my research their tied to the original piece. Phantom of the gave a timeline that had the backgroundRead MoreThe Phantom Of The Opera1429 Words   |  6 PagesThe movie I chose to examine was The Phantom of the Opera. I have seen the live musical once in New York, but for some odd reason I have never seen the movie version before. Watching it again for this paper, in a whole new format, is as if I’m experiencing it for the first time again. While perhaps I should have picked a musical I have yet to seen before (regardless tha t it was the live production), I simply could not resist watching perhaps my favorite musical (closely tied with Wicked) and applyingRead MoreThe Phantom Of The Opera1408 Words   |  6 PagesOn the 2 April, 2016, I went to see the longest-running production in Broadway history, â€Å"The Phantom of the Opera† at Majestic Theater on 247 West 44th Street Manhattan, New York. The opening night, premiere of the spectacle was on January 26, 1988. The musical is based on the novel â€Å"Le Fantom de L’Opera† by Gaston Leroux, under Harold Prince directory. The organizer of the theater production is Philip J.Smith and Robert E. Wankel is the president. The musical is classified as a horror in genreRead MoreThe Music That Transformed A Hidden Classic Into Modern Culture2684 Words   |  11 Pages a fictional novel published in 1911, by Gaston Leroux, puts the reader right in the catacombs of the Paris Opera House in the late 1800s (Cox: Oxford Reference). An adventure, involving tragic love and gothic elements, surrounds a detective’s search to reveal the mystery of the â€Å"Phantom of the Opera†. The detective acts as the narrator who reflects on his investigations of the Paris Opera House through allusions and the tragedies that occur throughout the novel’s entirety. Leroux especially highlightsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Film Phantom Of The Opera 2656 Words   |  11 Pagesfirst video assignment, I chose to personally analyze the 2004 film, Phantom of the Opera. Andrew Lloyd Webber was the first to make the Phantom of the Opera into an actual musical, which was inspired from a french novel of the same name. In the 2004 adaptation, the story takes place in 1870 Paris, France. Here, a young woman in her twenties named Christine Daaà © (Emmy Rossum) becomes the main act at the fictional theatre Opà ©ra Populaire. Her childhood sweetheart of around the same age, Viscount RaoulRead MoreCultural Event710 Words   |  3 Pageshad purchased. The experience was remarkable as we could see every facial expression and the sweat on the brow of each of the actors. I have had the privilege of seeing Andrew Lloyd Weber’s production of Phantom of the Opera twice and each time the play was magnificent, but the experience of watching Les Miz from so close up, gave me a completely different experience, as everything was so much more profound. I have been to concerts, movies, and I have read many books, but my experiences from attendingRead MoreEssay on Jaws1080 Words   |  5 Pagesjourney through the horror genre and the conventions that have developed. Second, I will then show how these conv entions are used in the film Jaws. Let’s start with the silent era, an era based on monsters, Frakingstien 1910, Dracula 1912, The Phantom Of The Opera 1925. Without sound, there was a heavy emphasis on make – up, adding to the horror and preparing the first convention, which is the reveal of the monster. Facial expressions and body language played big part in early horror movies as it providedRead MoreChanging Roles Of Women During World War I998 Words   |  4 Pageswith the end of a broom stick. Washboards within the upper and middle classes became almost alien with the first washing machines. With less time spent doing chores and keeping house, wives had more time for leisure activities such as shopping and watching television. In order to keep and create demand for the plethora of products, advertisers instilled a â€Å"buy now, pay later† () policy, while also using marketing techniques that included playing on peoples hopes, fears, and desires to fit in. An exampleRead MoreFilm History : A Explosion From The Past1098 Words   |  5 Pagescartoon maker of all-time and a family name all across the world. Steamboat Willie was a trailblazer for animators and set the standard of cartoon production within Hollywood. During the 1920’s many famous films were produced. Among these are The Phantom of the Opera, Nosferatu, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. These films have all had remakes, reboots, parodies, and more done to them, but they almost always fall short of the originals. A few years before the beginning of the 1920’s, a silent feature film was

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Union group Free Essays

Organizational Development (HARMER) and hence we are submitting it to you on due date and time. Hopefully, this report will meet your requirements and expectations. Should there be any queries, we are ready to clarify. We will write a custom essay sample on Union group or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thank you for your concern. Yours Sincerely, On behalf of my Group, Karakul Hosing ID: 2011-2-10-343 Acknowledgement 1 OFF health to complete this report. Then we would like to thank our course instructor Sardinia Islam Khan, PhD for his relentless support, advice and guidance throughout the entire preparation of this assignment. The development of this term paper took several weeks and the contribution of many people. Without the support and help of our group members, we would have not been able to complete this study. Special thanks should be given to Mr.. Shabbier Susan from Union Group, who was our main source of information. We also would like to thank our family members for their support and understanding throughout the course of the completion of this assignment. They have always been there to help us and were the force that pushed us to go on. Executive Summary There are cultural differences in each organization. Culture differences make the organization exclusive. In this report we selected Union Group for our implementation of study. The main purpose of our report is diagnosed the union group and find out the problems they currently facing. After aware of the problem we analyze the way they can eradicate the problems. We tried to recommend some change that union group can implement to cope with their problem. In this research report we used diagnosis model like six box model and action research model. As it is a study which basically both exploratory and conclusive in nature. This study based primarily on secondary information. We made some question and ask the question to union group representative. Based on his answers and extensive search on internet we prepared our report. When we made the report we faced some DO (Organizational Development) theories such as Backhand’s theories, Burke’s theories, Fresh’s theories etc. For diagnosis we used Marvin Washboard’s Six-box model. This six-box model tells practitioners where to look and what to look for our diagnosing organizational problems. In this six-box model there are six critical areas that is purposes, structure, rewards, helpful mechanisms, relationships and leadership. We use this model as a cognitive map, systematically examining. And the action research model is a roommate model for learning, or model for planned change. We choose some best question from our interviewed person and we deeply diagnosis the questions and analyze our findings. From the Organizational Diagnosis questions and answers in the former section, we conducted the preliminary diagnosis to find out the problems and possible ventures to enter for Union Group. Based on the answers received we used the Six Box Model as a diagnosis tool and Action Research Model. We made our recommendation based on Operas and Robertson model of organizational change. Chapter 1: Introduction Every organization is different from each other. One’s culture does not match with other. An organization has its own structure, value, norms. The report is based on the various DO interventions and the panel interview. The name of the report is â€Å"DO interventions for Union Group of Companies Ltd†. So in our introduction we include topic, objective, methodology, scope and limitation. Below all the things are described. 1. 1 Background of the Study Successful human resource department makes it possible for the organization to acquire the number and types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organization by practicing the HARM practices. Therefore, it acts as an important role in HER department. As a part of ABA program, our Human Resource Management course teacher Dry. Sardinia Islam Khan assigned us to prepare a report on â€Å"DO interventions for Union Group of Companies Ltd† as a related topic on Organization Development under the course Human Resource Management. The COOT of Union Group Ltd. , Shabbier Susan came to our class, gave a presentation and there was a panel interview that was also held. We asked him questions for required information in Union Group of Companies Ltd and he gave answers which helped to prepare the survey. 1. 2 Objective of the Study takes is organizational diagnosis. Organizational diagnosis can be considered as a special branch of organizational research leading to a set of statements about design options and recommendations for change. Primary objectives are the report aims to provide information on the HARM practices followed by a company named Union Group of Companies Ltd through HER department. Secondary Objectives: The report is strongly informed with how this company intervene HARM in their respective companies and how it helps them to get objective, reliable and relevant information. We will be able to know completely about the basic of a group of many. The process or the main HARM practices a group of company uses to make their place in the market will also be known to us by preparing this report. Most importantly, we will be able to understand the HARM practices properly. 1. 3 Scope of the Study There is a certain boundary to cover this report. Our particular report only covers the DO interventions for Union Group of Companies Ltd. We mainly focus on the main HARM practices of this company. We tried to gather information from Union Group’s website. As the COOT of Union Group of Companies Ltd came in our University, we alike with him and collected information about the DO interventions of the company through sharing his experience. We have also gathered information through internet. 1. 4 Limitation of the Study There was a shortage of information because our guest Speaker didn’t share everything about their organization. The COOT, Shabbier Susan gave a presentation in our class and the answers of our questions were almost the only source of collecting data. The COOT, Shabbier Susan gave a presentation in our class and the answers of our questions were almost the only source of collecting data. 1. Company Profile With a huge workforce United group prides itself of its diversified conglomerate character. It ranges from Retail, Mobile phones, Textiles, Dyeing, Real Estate, Power Energy, Tours and Travels and hospitality industry. The philosophy of the group is to nurture and promote good ideas and growth; to provide satisfaction to customers; to innovate and go beyond accepted standards of doing business. At GIG, we thrive in an extreme competing environment where challenge and hard work is rewarded. The strength of GU is in its core management principals. GU plans ahead with experienced foresightedness, strive to bring the planning into reality and in the process learn from its achievements and mistakes. It has grown gradually, excelling year by year. Over the years, through its unified endeavor, it has been successful in slogan-?delivering the Best. And to fulfill the idea of delivering the best is has policies and procedures in place so that everyone knows what to do and how to perform to the best to their abilities. Chapter 2: Literature review 2. 1 DO THEORIES DO (Organizational Development) theories are define by different point of view by different scientist like: Backhand’s theories How to cite Union group, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

My Best Friend Argumentative Essay Example For Students

My Best Friend Argumentative Essay It is not fully recognizable who your best friend really is until he or she is gone. Many people remember their best friend from when they were little kids as maybe the boy down the street who came down and played GI JOE, or the girl next door whom you had daily tea parties with. Either way, your best friend was usually around the same age as you. This was not the case with me. My best friend was about 65 years older than I was. Yes, it may sound weird, but it is true. My grandma, or Gamma as I called her, was my best friend for the first five years of my life. I think that in those five years we had learned so much from each other. We always got along. She taught me good manners but also how to have fun. I taught her that, at even at sixty-five years old, she could still be young. I can still remember the excitement when ever I found out that I would get to go to Gammas house to spend the weekend, or even just for the night. She only lived about ten minutes away from me; as a result, I got to visit her often. I can remember the smell of her house as I walked in the back door. It was a kind of musty, grandma smell. Our sleepovers were always such a thrill! The were a blast mainly because she would let me do things that my mom would probably not have approved of, like staying up 30 minutes past my bedtime and eating chocolate ice cream in bed with her, or jumping up and down on the bed. It was great. Sleepovers were not the end of our fun. Daytime was great, too. She lived right down from a little park with a lake, so on hot summer days, we would pack a picnic lunch and spend the day at the beach, that is what I liked to pretend it was. And sometimes, after a little bit of begging, she would even come join me for a swim. The park was not the only fun thing to do with Gamma. We would play around in the backyard, making that small, fenced in piece of land a place for exciting adventures. We would chase each other with the water hose or the sprinkler. Oh, and I could never forget the countless trips to the museum or the zoo, and then to McDonalds for a Happy Meal. It was always exciting. I never seemed to get bored. Another thing that I loved about her was that she never seemed to get annoyed or tired of my talking, and we all know I have a tendency to talk a lot. She would sit and listen or at least pretend to very well. With a smile on her face she would hear absolutely everything I had to say, from how much I was a big girl, to my adventures with Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. Then, one day, she came back from the doctor and she had found out that she had a lump in her breast that was cancerous. But that did not keep her from playing with me, smiling and laughing though, until she found out that it had spread too much to remove it. My grandma, my mom and my dad were very upset. I never knew though because she would not let my mom or dad tell me about what was going on because I wouldnt understand, she would say. All I knew was that my grandma was sick. Gamma went through countless chemotherapy treatments and lost all of her hair; I did not really understand what was going on. My grandma got a few wigs and would always joke about with them so it didnt seem like a big deal. Never did it occur to me that my grandmother was dying. .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712 , .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712 .postImageUrl , .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712 , .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712:hover , .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712:visited , .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712:active { border:0!important; } .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712:active , .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712 .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u94f8522d591270b1960c9b28146e9712:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Japanese Immigration - Parading With Pride EssayWeeks and months went by. Gamma was not as happy or playful as she was once before. Our trips to the beach had stopped as did our sprinkler fights and our ice cream sleepovers. She had moved to the other side of the house and a lady came over every day. We seemed to be there every day too. All my aunts and uncles and cousins came into town at different times to visit and would stay about a week. I saw this as a playtime with my cousins who I seldom saw; they thought the same thing. After a few weeks Gamma was not at home anymore, instead she was at the hospital. I remember coming to see her almost every day and one time not e ven recognizing her. Nothing clicked in though. I was only five. Using all her strength she would give me a smile and a little laugh when I would draw her a picture or show her my dance routine I had learned in dance class that day. On April 2, 1989, my grandma passed away. It still did not register right then that she was gone forever. A few years ago I saw a family video made around the same time my grandma was going through her chemo treatment. I saw what a strong person she was. She was always smiling and laughing even though you could see, in her eyes, the pain she was going through. She truly was my best friend and also a wonderful role model. She always repeated this one phrase that I will always remember:Old dancers never die. They just shuffle off. Right now, I think that she is just shuffling off. Bibliography:N/A

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Alcohol Warnings Essays - Drinking Culture, Neurochemistry

Alcohol Warnings The FDA is considering additional warnings on beer and alcohol bottles, such as: WARNING: consumption of alcohol may make you think you are whispering when you are not. WARNING: consumption of alcohol is a major factor in dancing like an *censored*. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may cause you to tell the same boring story over and over again until your friends want to SMASH YOUR HEAD IN. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may cause you to thay shings like thish. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe that ex-lovers are really dying for you to telephone them at 4 in the morning. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may leave you wondering what the hell happened to your pants. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may cause you to roll over in the morning and see something really scary (whose species and or name you can't remember). WARNING: consumption of alcohol is the leading cause of inexplicable rug burns on the forehead. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may create the illusion that you are tougher, handsomer and smarter than some really, really big guy named Chuck. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may lead you to believe you are invisible. WARNING: consumption of alcohol may lead you to think people are laughing WITH you. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may cause an disruption in the space-time continuum, whereby small (and sometimes large) gaps of time may seem to disappear. WARNING: Consumption of alcohol may actually CAUSE pregnancy. Social Issues

Monday, November 25, 2019

Faze vs. Phase

Faze vs. Phase Faze vs. Phase Faze vs. Phase By Maeve Maddox The verb faze, to disturb, is often misspelled as phase. Here are some recent examples of the error, with corrections: INCORRECT: She did not appear phased by recent reports that skinny jeans had cut off one womans circulation. - New York Times. CORRECT : She did not appear fazed by recent reports that skinny jeans had cut off one womans circulation. INCORRECT: Im focused on the good things in life. Im blessed and not forgetting it. Im giving back every day for it. Cant phase me. - Justin Bieber tweet. CORRECT : Im focused on the good things in life. Im blessed and not forgetting it. Im giving back every day for it. Cant faze me. INCORRECT: As a coach, hes a warrior. There is nothing that can phase him. - Princeton Tiger site. CORRECT : As a coach, hes a warrior. There is nothing that can faze him. INCORRECT: Easy going: Rangers fan Gary Geddes has been left unphased by the accident he had on his way home from a match. - Daily Mail. CORRECT : Easy going: Rangers fan Gary Geddes has been left unfazed by the accident he had on his way home from a match. INCORRECT: Humphrey, a 6 ´7, 275-pound Ugandan colleague sits to my left, unphased by the sun pouring down on him.- International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education site. CORRECT : Humphrey, a 6 ´7, 275-pound Ugandan colleague sits to my left, unfazed by the sun pouring down on him. INCORRECT: youve got an SUV that will be  left unphased  by Mother Nature. - Ford Explorer advertisement. CORRECT : youve got an SUV that will be  left unfazed by Mother Nature. The verb faze originated as US slang. The earliest citation is from 1830: They were too well up to these things to be fazed by a little cold lead. The word may be a variant of Kentish dialect feeze, to fright, discomfit. The verb phase, on the other hand, means, to carry out by phases or to introduce in stages. Here are examples: Starting later this month, Apple is introducing changes to its bagging policy, phasing out plastic bags in favor of a more environmentally friendly paper option.   The IRS announced plans to phase in the requirements of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act. Disney May Be Phasing out Slave Leia Merchandise NOTE: The words phased and unphased occur in the context of gene study: Phased data are ordered along one chromosome and so from these data you know the haplotype. Unphased data are simply the genotypes without regard to which one of the pair of chromosomes holds that allele. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Regarding Re:Top 11 Writing Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad)Running Errands and Doing Chores

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Major differences between NEC3 & JCT SBC 2011 Coursework

Major differences between NEC3 & JCT SBC 2011 - Coursework Example The provisional sum for the JCT SBC 2011 contract is not mandatory like the case of NEC3 contract. The project manager is usually at pains to decide whether to adopt the discrepancies manifest in cost estimation for a project. The variations negate the principle of cost control in NEC3 contracts. The variations also compromise the control of overall project cost. Moreover, the costs associated with compensation events are separate from the initial tender price. 3.  Cost scrutiny The cost scrutiny should be made mandatory for both contracts because this allows easy cost evaluation. The large number of firms usually involved in a single mega construction contract requires long-supply chains. This implies that the identification of the costs involved is hectic. Consequently, cost accounting for the project takes a long time. The administration of cost pertaining to the company system increases the overall contract price. Adjudication of the contract cases is mandatory.4.  Ground ris kThe ground risk for the JCT SBC 2011 is higher than in the case of NEC3 contract. Caution should be taken with regard to the productivity and improvement in performance of the contract projects. Project management should be emphasized in the application of NEC3 contract.In both cases, a comprehensive program must be prepared prior to the start of the project. The contract should focus on the contingence events rather than the past. Programming for the contract is essential. The complexity of the project task must also be highlighted.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Same sex marriage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Same sex marriage - Research Paper Example Married couples also pay less in taxes and receive many other social and financial benefits. But because gay couples are legally prevented from marrying, they are excluded from receiving the same considerations that married heterosexual couples enjoy. This paper will more closely examine the benefits denied gay couples as well as the political and legal implications involved with the issue. It will conclude with a discussion involving one of the main non-religious based reasoning’s that those who oppose of gay marriage espouse, the affect of this type of living arrangement on the children of the relationship. Advocates of non-traditional marriage argue that there is no constitutional basis for denying legal matrimony to gay couples. The Constitution not only legitimizes gay marriage but implies that the government should never have considered a ban and should instead actively pursue legalizing gay marriage. As citizens of the United States, all people are guaranteed the inalie nable right to pursue happiness. It does not exclude on the basis of sexual preference. The government was originally formed as an entity meant to champion the rights of the individual whether they are on the majority or minority side of public opinion. Laws that were enacted in the South disallowed the marriage between black and white people but were struck down by the Supreme Court. In 1964, the Civil Rights Act followed the tenets of the Constitution by prohibiting this type of discrimination. The opposition to gay marriage is based on prejudice and, as time passes, the concept will become more and more accepted. It, like racial prejudice, will become socially abhorrent (Sullivan, 2000). In addition, the disallowing of gay marriage by legislation violates the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment.   According to the American Civil Liberties Union, â€Å"The law [against same-sex marriage] discriminates on the basis of sex because it makes one's ability to marry depend on o ne's gender.† The ACLU continues by saying, â€Å"Classifications which discriminate on the basis of gender must be substantially related to some important government purpose. Tradition by itself is not an important government purpose† (American Civil Liberties Union, 1996, pp. 14-15). In 1997, the General Accounting Office reported that heterosexual married couples enjoyed more than 1000 benefits and protections. These marriage incentives range from survivor benefits through Social Security, the ability to take sick leave from work to care for a sick partner, federal and state tax breaks and veteran and insurance benefits. They also include things like â€Å"family discounts, obtaining family insurance through your employer, visiting your spouse in the hospital and making medical decisions if your partner is unable to† (Belge, 2006). Following the enactment of the Defense of Marriage Acts (DOMA), an amendment added to many states’ constitutional definitio n of marriage, many lawsuits have been filed all over the country against local and state governments whether or not they offer health insurance and other benefits to their employees’ unmarried domestic partners. DOMA prohibits the state governments from providing benefits to a dependent in a relationship that does not comply with the state’

Monday, November 18, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Business Law - Essay Example Finally, the contract should not be objectionable through impossibility, illegality or because it is against public policies (Young 2009, p.10). Discussion (a)In responding to case of Peter and Josephine, the paper will explore more on written contracts in order to determine whether their contract was valid. Having written contracts is much safer than verbal contracts. A written contract offers more certainty and at the same time reduces business risks by making the clarity on the agreement from the start of the engagement. Written contracts act as proof of what was agreed on by the involved parties, which acts as security of any disputes. This form of contract is also essential since it provides details on payments, timeframes, and ways on how to solve arising disputes. The other notable thing regarding written contracts is the provision of how they can be varied and conditions under which the contract can be terminated (Charman 2013, p.23). Looking into Peter and Josephine case, on e can point out that there were attempts by the two to make a verbal contract, but due to the underlying circumstances, the verbal contract was never reached. This is evident from the fact that, after Peter made up his mind that he would purchase the painting, he could not reach Josephine via to reach an agreement that he will be going for the painting. Instead, Peter left a phone message and also sent a letter to Josephine, but Josephine sold the painting before listening to the phone message or reading the letter. Therefore, this implies that the two never made any agreement that Peter would buy the painting, which makes it clear that Peter did not have a valid contract. (b) A brief overview on what the common law says about the exemption clause will be helpful in understanding Peter and Larry case. One general feature of written contracts is the fact that the party issuing the contract seeks to minimize its liability under the contract either wholly or partially. Exemption clause s can claim to reduce what would be the defendant’s duty they can claim to restrict the liability, which would otherwise translate to a breach of contract or claim to exclude the party in default fully to cover the other party. In most cases, exemption clauses are applied by stronger parties against weaker parties (Taylor & Taylor 2007, p.57). In the case of Peter and Larry, Peter issues Larry with a ticket that has an exemption clause at the back. The clause states â€Å"all items left in the cloakroom are at the owner’s risk. We do not accept liability for any loss or damage of items however, caused†. Despite the fact that the same message placed at the back of the cloakroom was obscured, it was Larry’s responsibility to read and understand the exemption clause at the back of the ticket. Since the clause exempts Peter from being responsible for the loss of Larry’s coat, Peter should utilize it in defending himself against compensating Larry for h is loss. In Parker v South Eastern Railway (1877) 2 CPD 416 case, the plaintiff left his bag in the cloak-room at the railway station. The plaintiff was issued with ticket that was written â€Å"see back†. On the back side there were several clauses including one that stated â€Å" Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 8 Business law - Essay Example Whealan, 1934). The trial judge in the case posed a query â€Å"In receiving the money did Peter Whelan act under threats of immediate death or serious personal violence?† The answer of the jury was in the affirmative. The trial judge actually ruled that even though the defendant was forced to accept the stolen money that is he was under duress, but still this cannot be a defence. It only acted as moderation. The court of criminal appeal noted that if a defendant acts under duress then an acquittal will be rare. Thus because of this the case was decided on the general principle of duress ([1934] IR 518, 524). But the Court mentioned that the application of the general principle will have to be limited to certain extent. In this case the Court stated that â€Å"where the excuse of duress is applicable it must further be clearly shown that the overpowering of the will was operative at the time the crime was actually committed, and, if there were reasonable opportunity for the will to reassert itself, no justification can be found in antecedent threats†.1 Thus, the common range of the protection of duress, as sketched in Whelan, is that; â€Å"the will of the defendant must have been overborne by the threats, the duress must be operating when the offence is committed and if there is an opportunity for the individual will to reassert itself and it is not taken, a plea of duress will fail† (in AG v. Whealan, 1934). In Attorney General v. Whelan, it was found that the defendant was in menaces and this was acknowledged to â€Å"death or serious violence†. In this case even though no real threats were faced by the defendant, but it was found that the existence of the person threatening was armed. It was also noted that the person so armed was such a person who will not hesitate even to use the pistol, was adequate to amount to a risk of â€Å"death or serious violence†.2 The ratio decidendi in the case was based on the principle of "neighbour" even though it was

Friday, November 15, 2019

Qatar Airways Marketing Strategy

Qatar Airways Marketing Strategy Abstract The airline industry has been known to be volatile and competitive. It is volatile in the sense that any negative news either from the services such as air mishap, economic downturn, perceived threat of terrorism, the potential outbreak of the birdflu virus or the factors of production like rise in prices of crude oil impacts negatively on the strategic position of each of the players in the industry be it market leader, follower or challenger. The case of Gulf States (Countries) such as Bahrain, Iran, Qatar, UAE, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia to mention just a few calls for closer attention. This is because the so Gulf states are have the resources and capabilities to compete in all the four fronts of marketing mix which is often referred as the 4Ps of People, Price, Place, Promotion. In order to wean their economies away from declining oil reserves some Middle Eastern countries pursue substantial investments into their aviation sector. The bulk of these investments concentrates on the United Arab Emirates and Qatar and comprises fleet expansions stoked by massive airport extensions and development projects. The million dollar question is how Qatar airways can turn its fortune from being a market follower in the Gulf airline industry to a leader. In this academic work also, we would use the following framework for evaluating and writing Customers: Who are the organizations customers? Products/services: What are the organizations major products or services? Location/markets: Where does the organization compete? Technology: Is technology a primary concern of the organization? Concern for survival, growth and profitability: Is the organization committed to economic objectives? Philosophy: What are the basic beliefs, values, aspirations, and philosophical priorities of the firm? Self-concept: What is the organizations distinctive competence or major competitive advantage? 1.0 Introduction The airline industry has grown to be one of be one of the largest industries in half century of its existence. Its origin could be deduced from the end of World War l but it was not until World War II that saw peace restored worldwide that accounted for the burgeoning of the business. Statistics have it that the industry often airlift more than 1.5 billion industry worldwide and generates more than $ 300 billion in revenue and employ 1.7 million people worldwide (Hanlon Pg 1,2006). Good to note is the fact that the post World War II airline industry are dominated by state owned airlines known as Flag Carriers and the government which owned them often used them as instruments to further their mercantilist interests or to promote their countries status, power and prestige. Airline business in the Gulf States is often associated with government (Hanlon Pg 2, 2006). Government desire to protect flag carriers often lead to artificial market, in which the profitability of the airlines wer e determined more by the competitors that are allowed to fly the route rather the forces of quality and pricing. Airlines suited in the Middle East currently hold 9% of long haul capacity worldwide. They will be responsible for about 25% of all global long haul aircraft deliveries over the next decade (Flagnagan, 2006). Dubai based emirates airlines accounts for the largest buyer, which approximately 70% of all new long-haul aircraft orders in the Middle East. Some airline commentators predict that come 2012, the airline would double its fleet (Flagnagan, 2006). After Emirates come Qatar airlines. The airline has placed an order of 140 wide body aircraft. The expansion plans of the gulf airline operators are shown in Fig 1 within Qatar airways just like other airlines in the Gulf States is part of the government strategy to diversify its revenue base, economies, commerce, tourism and global transport importance. The airline has a rich mission statement which is Excellence in everything we do. According to a survey carried out by Pearce and David (1987) to analyze the mission contents of airline companies, the mission, it showed that Qatars mission statement is one of the best in the world. Amongst 9 points, it has 6 points. Fleet expansion plans of Middle Eastern carriers (as March 2008). Source Journal of Transport Geography 18 (2008) 388-394 3.0 Current Marketing Mix of Qatar Airways 3.1.1 Product Strategy: New Products Existing ProductsServices is defined as involving one party offering something that is essentially intangible and where the interaction does not result in ownership of anything (Kotler, 2008). Applying Ansoff product grid matrix, it can be said that Qatar airlines is still in market penetration. This is because the airline as was shown in the introductory section of the work, has projected the number of aircraft it wish to buy before 2012. The attributes of a company in growth stage of company life cycle is expansionary qualities. Existing Market Market Penetration Product Development New Market Market Development Diversification ansoffs product / market matrix The attributes of market penetration strategy in which Qatar airways are using include Maintain or increase the market share of current products this can be achieved by a combination of competitive pricing strategies, advertising, sales promotion and perhaps more resources dedicated to personal selling As part of this growth plan, Qatar Airways will extend its route network to 50 destinations by the end of 2003. It has recently added Manchester and Rome to its increasing route network. It will soon be adding Shanghai, Seoul and Tripoli to its route network. (Airhighways Magazine, 2005, p. 1). Secure dominance of growth markets. Qatar airlines have been known to dominate the ever busy African- Middle east air routes. The company always has some flights available from any part of Africa to the Gulf States. The topology of the area has encouraged the airline to operate in product penetration strategy of Ansoff product grid. Its sparsely populated area has encouraged travelling by air for intra-regional transport. Furthermore, a high per capita income that is still increasing quickly, offers a base for a strong aviation industry. But there are socio-economic constraints, limiting both domestic leisure and business travel potential. Increase usage by existing customers for example by introducing loyalty schemes .A market penetration marketing strategy is very much about business as usual. The business is focusing on markets and products it knows well. It is likely to have good information on competitors and on customer needs. It is unlikely, therefore, that this strategy will require much investment in new market research. There is no evidence that Qatar airways is investing on market research because they are not expanding into unknown routes such as Kula-lumpur Sydney route. 3.1.2 Pricing Strategy: Going-rate-pricing strategy Presently Qatar airline practice what is called Going-rate-pricing strategy. The market leader in the middle- east airline industry remains Emirates. Qatar charges its fare based on the price of Emirates which is slightly higher. This is because being the market follower, Qatar does not need to disturb the established market dynamism because it might not be able to compete on the same level with Emirates. Comparing the price of Qatar and Emirates, on the same route of Kuala-lumpur (Malaysia) Johannesburg ( South Africa) Price of Qatar on 21st Nov returning on 23rd Dec from Kuala-Lumpur to Johannesburg Price of Qatar on 21st Nov returning on 23rd Dec from Kuala-Lumpur to Johannesburg 3.1.3 Promotion Strategy: Qatar airlines are not practicing product differentiation but it is practicing promotion differentiation. According to its chief Executive Officer Akbar Al Baker he said that Qatar By offering a variety of entertainment options, we are able to differentiate our passenger service through live entertainment programming while also setting new standards of comfort to ensure we are the airline of choice (Rockwell Collins, 2005, p. 1). Some of their promotion strategies are as listed below and experienced by its passengers are as Biggest and best business class in the Middle East Interactive Audio, Video on Demand Entertainment System Largest personal TV screens in the Middle East Electronic seat controls In-seat back massage First Middle East airline in First Class with flat beds Qatar has engaged the services of Global media industries to help spread the good news. Such internal media include TV Corporate Videos BBC Campaign to position it as a premium carrier CNN testimonials from airline staff Sky News reports as a sponsor of the weather service Sponsors a travel show through Al-Jazeera Qatar is a major sponsor of high profile sporting activities such as World Tourism Day, World Travel and Tourism Council Summit, World Economic Forum, Leading International sports events. Qatar airlines was the official sponsor of 15th Asian Games, Doha 2006. The company has come up with a new product called Flying Oryx Newsletter that it distributes to travel agents. The newsletter is also available through its websites. More links could be established to the newsletter through the Internet. The airlines also give away products to passengers that promote the logo of the Burgundy Oryx and Taking you personally, such as watches, computermice and hand towels. 3.1.3 Place Strategy: This places a little impact on the business strategy of Qatar. Qatar airways like any other airways have developed a system of getting their ticket. Unlike the normal businesses, whose distribution channel goes from the manufacturer wholesaler-retailer-consumer. The normal business cycle Qatar airline and other airways are from the airline operators to consumers when online booking is done or through traveler agent. Airline operator Airline operator Manufacturer Wholesaler Consumer Travelling Agent Retailer Consumer Consumer Traditional Supply channel Online booking channel intermediary booking channel 4.0 MARKET ANALYSIS 4.1 Qatar current market Qatar airways is one of the leading airline industry in the gulf states. There is no hiding from the fact that Qatar airways is building on the booming market of Dubai to feed the ever busy Dubai route. Qatar currently targets those customers who considers Emirates too expensive. Those that want a little bit high quality and class at an affordable price. Qatar market can be divided into two as follows Geographic Segmentation: Qatar Airways is currently operating in most of the regions of the world.They are presently hoping to expand their routes to include the south pacific routes of Australia and its neighbouring countries. Qatar Airways is a dynamic, high service carrier, which utilises the geographic location of its Middle Eastern hub to link 72 international cities. From the UK the airline operates regular services from London Heathrow, London Gatwick and Manchester to Doha. Onward connections are available to cities including Dhaka, Ahmedabad (coming soon), Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Cochin, Mumbai, Nagpur (coming soon), Trivandrum, Malà ©, Kathmandu, Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Colombo, Denpasar, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Myanmar, Yangon, Cebu, Manila, Singapore, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City, Bahrain, Mashad, Tehran, Amman, Kuwait City, Beirut, Muscat, Dammam/Dhahran, Jeddah, Riyadh, Damascus, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sanaa,Bangkok,Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Cebu, Nairobi, Johanne sburg and the Seychelles. Qatar Airways entering the US market with flights to New York and Washington, DC direct from the airlines hub in Doha, capital of the State of Qatar Demographic Segmentation: Below is the demographic basis for the market segmentation for Qatar airways: Demographic Variables Breakdown Sex Male; Female Age Under 12; 13-25; 26-40; 41-55; 55 + Income (monthly) USD 300.00 and over Religion Muslims (Halal status); Non-Muslims (Non-Halal status) Education Designed for 5.0 STRATEGIC ANALYSIS (SWOT analysis) SWOT analysis helps to explore the internal and external environmental factors affecting Qatar Airways and hence enable us to make strategic decisions (Aaker, 2005). The recommended strategies that would be adopted in this paper would be based on the on the SWOT analysis of the company. External Analysis Strategic decisions Where to compete? How to compete? Identification Trends/Future events Threats/Opportunities Strategic uncertainties How to compete? Analysis Information-Need areas Scenario Analysis Internal Analysis Source: Adapted and modified from Aaker, D. A (1998), Strategic Market Management, 5th Edition, John Wiley Sons, Inc., USA, p 40 5.1 INTERNAL ANALYSIS Strength Weakness Brand Recognition The airline has been able to build a strong brand that was described by Kelly Kaur, Marketing Director, as getting to know the audience and using communication to build loyalty, stimulate desire, create confidence and build awareness. Consistency The airline has been noted for offering consistence services which was one of the criteria that enabled it to get a FIVE STAR RATING. FIVE STAR RATING Qatar Airways is just one of the few airlines in the world ranked Five Star by Skytrax, the independent aviation industry monitoring agency. The same organization Skytrax also named Qatar Airways cabin crew as Best in the Middle East for the third year running and fifth best in the world, following a survey of more than 12 million passengers worldwide. (World Economic Forum, n.d., p. 1). Qatar Airways are the proud winners of the TTG Travel Awards 2009 Airline of the year. In recognition of the world class service and their commitment to offer only the best to over 80 destinations worldwide Numerous Flights The airline currently operates a fleet of 42 all-Airbus aircraft, which is expected to triple in size to 110 aircraft by 2015. Qatar Airways recently made an agreement to buy up to 60 of the new generation Airbus A350s. The airline also plans to acquire 20 Boeing 777s,with a total value for both orders set to be worth US$ 15.2 billion Age Many still believe that Qatar cannot maintain their high standard for a very long time because they are not too experienced in the industry. Arabization Many people still believe that the airline is Arab based because of their Logo. Qatar Airways logo uses an animal (Arabian oryx) that may be familiar to people in the Arabian Gulf, but not to people outside the region. National Carrier History has shown that most national does not last and they are often abused by the government. People would love to invest so that they can control or have shares in the business but thats not the case here. 5.2 EXTERNAL ANALYSIS OPPORTUNITIES THREATS Booming tourism industry The present surge in tourism in the gulf states is plus for the company to expand its business capacity. Image The Airlines has gained some reputation in the region and in Europe and its other sites Strategic alliances The airline has the reputation of forming strategic alliances with some airline operators in the pacific rim. This can be done either via bilateral with the respective government. Terrorism The incident of 9/11 is a wheel in the spanner of most airline industry. It has greatly reduced the ability of airline operators to attract many frequent fliers. New Entrants There is possibility of new entrants to the market especially Etihad. Etihad has the financial capacity to compete on the same level with Qatar Volatility The industry itself is known to exhibit high volatility. This may be in the form of fuel price, technology change or epidemic and natural disasters. 6.0 PROJECT RECOMMENDATION STRATEGIES 6.1. Market penetration via new products: Low cost Qatar airways have the leverage to engage in more competitive prices that what they are offering presently. They should borrow a leave from what Qantas did. Qantas came up with a low cost carrier called JETSTAR. The low cost strategy can compete in the low cost flight category of the airline industry while the parent company keeps their normal standard. Alliances Qatar airways have the brand image to form strategic alliances with many similar airlines where they can get the benefits of economics of scale. This might come in the form choosing one airline company in the continent to form a loop. They might borrow a look from what Singapore airlines deed as shown below. Singapore Airlines Air New Zealand Star Alliance Dinners Club Avis Singapore Airlines alliance network; strategic alliance, follower ( Kotler Pg 812, 2008) 6.2 Maximizing sales revenue Reduction of booking agents Commissions and other incentives to sales staff add to the operational cost of the company. These costs either passed on to the customers or absorbed by the organization lowers the margins of the company. The company should come up with a structure of appointing GSA (General Sales Agent) in major cities and towns. They might even pass it to the post office to sale for them since they post office has their fixed cost already running. Web Friendly Site The company should as a matter of urgency design a friendly user web site. Their current web site is not user friendly. They should borrow a cue at Airasia website. Airasia website is fast, user friendly and updates every minutes. This has greatly encouraged customers to use the web more frequently than physical office space thereby limiting people or place contacts to the barest minimum. 7.0 Conclusion In its relatively few years of operation has shown that they can ranked amongst the best in service delivery. They have grown from a small company to a major player in the airline industry. They have put in place sound management principle and good chief executive Akbar Al Baker believed his airline was leaking significant amounts of revenue. A series of short diagnostic exercises confirmed his hunches needs continuous improvement. The company has adopted a relatively moderate marketing mix by targeting its customers, positioning the company World Class Young, but growing fast Forward Thinking, open-minded On-time, Clean image Friendly/helpful/warm/hospitable airline. The People is good, Price affordable, Place great and Promotion best.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

College Binge Drinking: Not All Just Fun and Games Essay -- Essays Pap

College Binge Drinking: Not All Just Fun and Games For those who go out and drink in college, it is all about the good times, right? What everyone does not think about is the potential danger that drinking can cause, especially to the astonishing amount of college students who drink heavily on a regular basis. Alcohol abuse is the leading cause of death among teens and young adults, and according to many professionals, the high rate of binge-drinking and its effects on college students and the school or university is the top social issue on campuses. Despite all the attention given to this issue, especially in the past few years, no noticeable improvement has been seen. Drinking has even been called a â€Å"college pastime;† however, there is often a high price to pay for those who claim that they just want to have a good time, especially when it comes to the drinking that goes on at college campuses. Many first-time college goers need to realize that certain people have a higher tendency to drink heavily, and it is prove n that there is high risk for both those who do participate in this dangerous activity and for their non-drinking peers. It is a proven fact that young adults are among the heaviest drinkers in the United States, and college students tend to drink more than their non-college attending peers. These statistics don’t make all that much sense considering most people would say that they go to college to get ahead; however, if you use college as an excuse to go out and get drunk all the time (which many seem to do), then you might be worse off than those who do not go to college at all. Laura G. Hensley, a writer for the Journal of College Counseling, reports that â€Å"Binge drinking [also known as heavy episodic dr... ...k Groups.† American Journal of Public Health 93.11 (Nov 2003): 1929-1934. Academic Search Premier EBSCO. Roesch Library, Dayton. 26 March 2004. . Weitzman, Elissa R. â€Å"Social Developmental Overview of Heavy Episodic or Binge Drinking Among U.S. College Students.† Psychiatric Times 21.2 (Feb 2004): 57-60. Academic Search Premier EBSCO. Roesch Library, Dayton. 26 March 2004. . Williams, David, Adrian Thomas, Walter C. Buboltz Jr., and Maibel McKinney. â€Å"Changing the Attitudes that Predict Underage Drinking in College Students: A Program Evaluation.† Journal of College Counseling 5.1 (Spring 2002): 39-49. Academic Search Premier EBSCO. Roesch Library, Dayton. 27 March 2004. .