Saturday, December 14, 2019

Union group Free Essays

Organizational Development (HARMER) and hence we are submitting it to you on due date and time. Hopefully, this report will meet your requirements and expectations. Should there be any queries, we are ready to clarify. We will write a custom essay sample on Union group or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thank you for your concern. Yours Sincerely, On behalf of my Group, Karakul Hosing ID: 2011-2-10-343 Acknowledgement 1 OFF health to complete this report. Then we would like to thank our course instructor Sardinia Islam Khan, PhD for his relentless support, advice and guidance throughout the entire preparation of this assignment. The development of this term paper took several weeks and the contribution of many people. Without the support and help of our group members, we would have not been able to complete this study. Special thanks should be given to Mr.. Shabbier Susan from Union Group, who was our main source of information. We also would like to thank our family members for their support and understanding throughout the course of the completion of this assignment. They have always been there to help us and were the force that pushed us to go on. Executive Summary There are cultural differences in each organization. Culture differences make the organization exclusive. In this report we selected Union Group for our implementation of study. The main purpose of our report is diagnosed the union group and find out the problems they currently facing. After aware of the problem we analyze the way they can eradicate the problems. We tried to recommend some change that union group can implement to cope with their problem. In this research report we used diagnosis model like six box model and action research model. As it is a study which basically both exploratory and conclusive in nature. This study based primarily on secondary information. We made some question and ask the question to union group representative. Based on his answers and extensive search on internet we prepared our report. When we made the report we faced some DO (Organizational Development) theories such as Backhand’s theories, Burke’s theories, Fresh’s theories etc. For diagnosis we used Marvin Washboard’s Six-box model. This six-box model tells practitioners where to look and what to look for our diagnosing organizational problems. In this six-box model there are six critical areas that is purposes, structure, rewards, helpful mechanisms, relationships and leadership. We use this model as a cognitive map, systematically examining. And the action research model is a roommate model for learning, or model for planned change. We choose some best question from our interviewed person and we deeply diagnosis the questions and analyze our findings. From the Organizational Diagnosis questions and answers in the former section, we conducted the preliminary diagnosis to find out the problems and possible ventures to enter for Union Group. Based on the answers received we used the Six Box Model as a diagnosis tool and Action Research Model. We made our recommendation based on Operas and Robertson model of organizational change. Chapter 1: Introduction Every organization is different from each other. One’s culture does not match with other. An organization has its own structure, value, norms. The report is based on the various DO interventions and the panel interview. The name of the report is â€Å"DO interventions for Union Group of Companies Ltd†. So in our introduction we include topic, objective, methodology, scope and limitation. Below all the things are described. 1. 1 Background of the Study Successful human resource department makes it possible for the organization to acquire the number and types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organization by practicing the HARM practices. Therefore, it acts as an important role in HER department. As a part of ABA program, our Human Resource Management course teacher Dry. Sardinia Islam Khan assigned us to prepare a report on â€Å"DO interventions for Union Group of Companies Ltd† as a related topic on Organization Development under the course Human Resource Management. The COOT of Union Group Ltd. , Shabbier Susan came to our class, gave a presentation and there was a panel interview that was also held. We asked him questions for required information in Union Group of Companies Ltd and he gave answers which helped to prepare the survey. 1. 2 Objective of the Study takes is organizational diagnosis. Organizational diagnosis can be considered as a special branch of organizational research leading to a set of statements about design options and recommendations for change. Primary objectives are the report aims to provide information on the HARM practices followed by a company named Union Group of Companies Ltd through HER department. Secondary Objectives: The report is strongly informed with how this company intervene HARM in their respective companies and how it helps them to get objective, reliable and relevant information. We will be able to know completely about the basic of a group of many. The process or the main HARM practices a group of company uses to make their place in the market will also be known to us by preparing this report. Most importantly, we will be able to understand the HARM practices properly. 1. 3 Scope of the Study There is a certain boundary to cover this report. Our particular report only covers the DO interventions for Union Group of Companies Ltd. We mainly focus on the main HARM practices of this company. We tried to gather information from Union Group’s website. As the COOT of Union Group of Companies Ltd came in our University, we alike with him and collected information about the DO interventions of the company through sharing his experience. We have also gathered information through internet. 1. 4 Limitation of the Study There was a shortage of information because our guest Speaker didn’t share everything about their organization. The COOT, Shabbier Susan gave a presentation in our class and the answers of our questions were almost the only source of collecting data. The COOT, Shabbier Susan gave a presentation in our class and the answers of our questions were almost the only source of collecting data. 1. Company Profile With a huge workforce United group prides itself of its diversified conglomerate character. It ranges from Retail, Mobile phones, Textiles, Dyeing, Real Estate, Power Energy, Tours and Travels and hospitality industry. The philosophy of the group is to nurture and promote good ideas and growth; to provide satisfaction to customers; to innovate and go beyond accepted standards of doing business. At GIG, we thrive in an extreme competing environment where challenge and hard work is rewarded. The strength of GU is in its core management principals. GU plans ahead with experienced foresightedness, strive to bring the planning into reality and in the process learn from its achievements and mistakes. It has grown gradually, excelling year by year. Over the years, through its unified endeavor, it has been successful in slogan-?delivering the Best. And to fulfill the idea of delivering the best is has policies and procedures in place so that everyone knows what to do and how to perform to the best to their abilities. Chapter 2: Literature review 2. 1 DO THEORIES DO (Organizational Development) theories are define by different point of view by different scientist like: Backhand’s theories How to cite Union group, Papers

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