Sunday, April 26, 2020

Hardware Tampering and Attacks Research Papers

Hardware Tampering and Attacks Research PapersHardware tampering and attacks are the ongoing issues faced by every computer users. These attacks are mainly due to lack of knowledge on how to protect their computers from these infections. This will be obvious if you compare the number of infections against the numbers of people who are buying software.One of the most commonest attacks is the sending of phishing emails. These emails contain fake messages that ask you to click on a link that will take you to a fake site. Most times, these links will lead you to a fake website. It then infects your system and hands over all your details to the fake website.Another attack that is going on with high end software is the installation of spyware and adware. This is done by inserting or installing spyware or adware. These are not difficult to detect as these programs get installed silently and without the user noticing it. Usually, these programs run unobtrusively and it takes some time to det ect them.Systems such as email, chat rooms, databases, and online games can also be compromised. In these instances, spyware or adware get installed when you download the file from the Internet. Another commoner type of attack is web browser hijacking. This will start running from a page with a legitimate web address.If you were surfing the web for some interesting information, chances are that you came across the page of an advertiser. It is then that the ads that these sites are displaying will be shown. As you may have noticed, when you surf the web, you can usually control what ads you see. If you want, you can opt out of these advertisements or block them.Another form of attack that can be performed is a web browser hijacking. This will involve the installation of malicious scripts or pop-ups on the user's computer screen. They will then be downloaded and executed on the computer without the knowledge of the user. This will change the settings of the PC and change the homepage to the attacker's site.Malware is dangerous and this infection will get into your system even if you do not install it. It is possible that your system may get infected even when you are not using it. If you would like to avoid these infections, you need to make sure that your computer has anti-virus and anti-spyware software installed. These programs can help you to detect any infection or rogue software.

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