Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Applying Marketing Concepts Within a Small Business - Free Essay Example

   Apply marketing concepts within a small business Outcome 1.1 Define the following objectives of marketing in terms of the organizational objectives as identified in your marketing plan. A/ Sell products/ services Small business is the most important sale of your products or services and (potential) customers a different (special treatments, the best deals) offering. If your priority is to get customers to your business to produce. B/ Generate new customers It is like bringing something new to the market is defined as a business objective is to bring in new customers, which is still there. This directly affects the business for sale. Samsungs (eg, Apple, Samsung and Apple, which offers new functionality in their phones like Samsung, Apple customers they have demand for it. C/ Develop and maintain customer loyalty the needs of customers through the use of the dependence of Customer knowledge , communication, coordination , and in anticipation We need to develop customer loyalty : Customer No Coordinating the customer experience online and offline The opportunities anticipate -when I see My customers time , money , and ultimately save the hassle , they are in favor of returning for repeat business and loyalty , turn to a trusted resource for my company .(research taken) . D/ Maintain image Image management company will always have to work hard to maintain that level so that the image is a false picture of the companys lead product for some time that it is done. For example. Nike Jordan shoes are the best states to maintain eg.Michal showing a picture of the hero, a lot of customers go to the store and buy shoes because their leader said. E/ Provide information It is one of the most important thing in your marketing plan Providing information to achieve your sales and your customers as well as customers move We need to bring all the information about our business and increase sales Today we have newspapers , magazines, TV , radio and social websites to use a large variety of types of information, and provide a number of options . 1.2 Explain the implication of the following marketing concepts to business operation as identified in your business plan. A/ Needs we need to understand the requirement to the business. It can be different needs in different places . We will not be successful with selling energy drinks eg. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Và ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ in places where people do not have enough water. They need to satisfy basic needs firs. We do not need to have adds for selling petrol because petrol is absolute need used everywhere and will sell anytime. B/ Demands Demands are goods customers want to buy once their needs are satisfied. Demands are goods or services in the business customers want to buy at the market for some price. Demands can be different if there is decrease of their salary. They will not have enough money to buy goods. On the other hand by increase of their salary, they will have more money to spend and buy more goods for the same price. C/ Market Market is my business place where the business can be conducted, where business can reach to its customers and buy a product. It is place with different rules, legislation for each country. D/ Marketing mix Using mix of advertising , personal selling, sales promotion, public relations, direct marketing sometimes also corporate image and sponsorship to increase selling products at the market, purposed by the professionals E/ Promotion It is defined as a support of product to reach aim and increase sale in the business Eg. Adds, posters, mails, TV, online- this is the most popular and very easy to promote any products F/ Public relation Can be defined as a relationship between public and company, organization. Eg. St John à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" first aid without any cost, they are sponsored by ABM bank, and people might swap to this bank to use their products gt;gt;gt; looks like a strategic communication process which builds mutually beneficial relationship between public and organization (citation used from Wikipedia , written in New York Times in 2012 ) G/ Service Are offered to customers and consumers to achieve their needs. The result of good service is nothing tangible but just useful effect. H/ Advertising Is the most effective way to promote products. If add is good product can be sold better. It is defined as a paid or unpaid publicity of goods, treatments, ideas to increase selling product 1.3 Using the following marketing media compare their advantages and disadvantages, in a marketing products/service of business operation as identified in your business plan A/ Radio + one of the cheapest way to advertise can reach the same interested listeners (similar age, life style) customers cannot see the products or goods sometimes listeners do not pay attention to listening and can catch just a piece of information cannot go back to that add they had just listened B/ Television + the fastest marketing combining auditory and visual aids what bring more attention to customer creativity of TV high expenses to build add and to pay it to run in TV short time to address customer (sometimes 30s add is not long enough) annoying adds every single time when is something interesting gt;gt;gt; you switch to another program C/ Print media advertisements + you can target customers everywhere you can present add on public place with this media we can not reach correct customers apparently you need more advance planning to print the media D/ Print media editorials + print demands reading the full attention of the reader -less distraction when reading and readers can more focus on the editorial and advertising content easily to put down and picked up sticks around household or workplace and read again and again by others that come across it (information used from research webpage www.printpower.eu) -electronic media brakes print media in lightning speed -the shelf life of particular print media is limited it is must to plan months in advance to advertise in print media it does not offer you flexibility when we are faced with a tight deadline (research from www.buzzle.com) E/ Brochures + you are flexible to produce your ideas and design it to attract customers -affectivity of the time we can use to produce brochures -high cost to print any materials -most customers are unable to see the products low on read ers interest F/ Telemarketing +-better ability to explain product to customer -every times you get something for free -you do not know if it works really or not (for gym equipment they are given nice formed body people, for cleaning at home just arranged some mess on the floor not real mess) -companies are using your contact details to sell another products afterwards G/ Public relation +-we can appeal to large audience (if you print your add in newspaper or magazine million of customers can see the information about the business and understand it) -you can control expenses -very difficult discipline to understand conduct successfully it is unable to predict any response from public 1.4 Identify the three (3) types of products and/services for target audience of business operation as identified in your business plan. The following products/services in my business plan are: Coffee service Healthy snacks/Sandwiches Recycling 1.5 Explain the following marketing mix s identified in your business plan Will offer great tasting coffee made from home burned beans , served in recycled cup with nice logos of my company to make feel better customers during their enjoying coffee cup. They can also use very friendly and top furniture environmental, nice music , warm , confortable seats and lots more. Prices will be in the range from 2.50 up to 6.50 depends on customers needs. Basics coffees as short/long black, flat white, latte, cappuccino, mocchaccino, mocchiato start as low prices. I will promote my service in advertisements like printing media, social media, brochures to offer at the beginning piece of any cake to take away or to have there. I will distribution my business for every day need as a coffee to get up from dreams have a snack, and for those people who wants to go for different type of life as better catering, will make healthy sandwiches with vegetable, dairy free/vegan /vegetarian salads . Outcome2 Based in the marketing plan that you have developed do the following: 2.1 Identify the sources of market information about similar product and service. To get market information about similar product and service in this field of CafÃÆ' © business I based on the websites and interview with several owners, their personal experience and knowledge. You cannot by studying get everything about having CafÃÆ' © business but more than this is have an opinion from other entrepreneurs , learn from their mistakes and avoid them as well and with this you can save some your time to improve your ideas about your business. 2.2 Identify the provision for competition in offering services, prices and promotion of product and/or services The provision for competition on my product Mobile CafÃÆ' © needs to start with lower prices to attract customers. To offer nice creamy, aromatic and smooth coffees, any other hot and cold drinks and variety of healthy sn ack and sandwiches. Promote all available products on my websites with entered prices the lower than current prices in similar services the better to attract customer to prefer my product. I will be offering recycling coffee cups and in this time more people think ecologically and could help to improve and grow my business. I would like to recycle plastic bottles as well to make chairs for my CafÃÆ' © using and in the future to envelop more public sitting places. 2.3 Assess the impact on marketing decision of the following external factors to consumer behavior: A/ Cultural Cultural factor could help to get more customers because cultural factors are the one people learn from their born. The most important institutions around people are family, friends, work and more others. Each groups of customers have different demand needs and I have to offer them what they need. B/ Social People certain social groups having similar ideas, hobbies and behaviors. Similar education, social life and more than this. All those customers having same habit and that is having morning or lunch time coffee. They do not have enough time and for this is here coffee to take away in recycled cup and to help them from busy life avoid unhealthy fried fast food I will offer healthy snacks and sandwiches. C/ EconomicsThe economic situation in New Zealand is in its way to the development the customers and more likely to spend their earnings into the business. the marketing strategy is to promote the sale but economic will change without our agreement . We need to get maximum results. D/ RegulatoryThis factor is the one which can affect our marketing decision. In this case we have to maintain strict guidelines in not restricting the customers to those products they want. Best still keeping in their mind that demand of this product needs has to be marketed and buying by them. E/ TechnologicalThe technological factors can affect the customers . The business needs has to b e careful while promoting the product in the technological platform as with the growing trend of believing of the public is getting to affect the business. D/ DemographicBy demographic factor we can target the customers to be considers using the marketing campaign than customers according to their needs. G/ CompetitiveThis factor affects consumer behaviors in way that the consumers demands in completive rates and with the view of entering the other business making the same product the customers are going to try the new products on the market. This is a chain with upcoming businesses with the same products what makes big competition and hard to stabile our customers. 2.4 Assess the operationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s competitive advantage and disadvantages of marketing analysis in business operation +-planners are allow to maintain and develop the missing goods in the market -planning tools are here to help us find out the difference between the products in the market -to hel p to maintain the product quality -to improve company product in case the product is negative from customer feedback company or becoming entrepreneurs have to valorize their products and services, competitive environment, market prices, consumer behaviors and strategy of communication, if they will not do it can be distracted for them and can lose a lot it is really powerful tool for all professionals what needs numbers and values and then we can plan, and from those numbers we can valorize rivals and take their failure in our success, if not it can be fatal for our organization 2.5 Identify the changes in business process and service delivery you feel would enhance the marketing of the operation We need to react on customer needs , they ask every day and if we will not do anything for it customer have so many options to go to other organizations they offer what they want and we lose our customer and with them our incomes. Outcome 3 Below is a scenario where McDo nald conducted a survey on customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s history. Read the scenario and do the following activities: 3.1 Using the customerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s history and organizational record present in Figure 1, 2 and 3: A/ define or identify customers perceived needs for McDonald`s products: Big Mac, Quarter pounder, Double cheese, Mac Chicken and Hamburger Customers go to fast food as McDonalds to get their food really fast and get some good quality comparative with price. In most chosen products we can see what people like more, if piece of beef , cheese, chicken in their burger. If I were them I would decide between burger with chicken or beef and if you can see beef looks really yummy and can feel you up. Regular or potential customers look also on the design, good price they can get and variation they can chose. Even heaps of choices from regular menu they like to try and buy Quarter pounder B/ Compare customersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ actual needs to perceived needs Customers first can see all products and the walls and even they knew what they want to have before they come to McDonalds. Those walls nicely arranged with lots of burgers can change customersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ needs and in that case customers make decision due perceived needs. C/ Identify any customers needs not being addressed Every customer has their choice to get what they want. McDonalds has wide range of products and if customers come to any branch there is something what is addressed to them. 3.2 Explain whether the objectives of conducting the survey achieved the desired objectives. This survey does not show us if there were achieved the desired objectives. It shows what people like to get , what they prefer if it comes something new and why they made their decision, that they chose their products because of good price, nice taste and range of variety. It does not show what rather customers would like to have, if they are happy with offered products or no t.

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